Austrian Register for Biocidal Products
In the Austrian Biocides Register there are all authorised biocides in Austria listed and sorted according to product type.

Authorised biocidal products on the Austrian market
In Austria, there is a Register for Biocidal Products in accordance with section 6 of the Biocidal Products Act, Federal Law Gazette I No. 105/2013, which is kept in the form of an excel file. It contains the following information: authorisation number, authorisation period, trade name, company name of authorisation holder, product type, active substance and content of a.s., user category , target organism, type of formulation and hazard classes and categories.
The structure of the authorisation number is as follows: country code (AT or EU) and serial number. Suffixes are added for biocidal products in one and the same product family. Since 2017 the authorisation number has been the same as the so-called "asset number" created by the Register for Biocidal Products (R4BP), which is provided by ECHA.
Older authorisation numbers contain the letter Z or R (Z for Zulassung = Authorisation and R for Registration), the year and the product type. The term "registration" refers to Diective (EC) No. 98/8 and applies to products registered under that Directice (i.e. before the BPR came into force).
Austrian Register for biocidal products
Authorised biocidal products on the EU market
All product authorisations within the EU are listed on the ECHA website