Links and support
To help you understand the regulations, many different forms of assistance are available. Apart from legal texts and guidelines, further relevant websites and selected information can be found here.

Upcoming events
There are several workshops such as "Biocides basic" concerning not only Biocidal Product Regulation but also REACH, CLP and individual chemical consultings at Environment Agency Austria. Information on all events is stated on the homepage of the Environment Agency Austria.
Information provided by the European Chemicals Agency - ECHA
ECHA provides “Questions&Answers” for various themes. The Youtube-channel includes webinars on current issues and "how to do guides" for ECHA IT-tools. Much more information can be found on the homepage of ECHA.
Guidances on biocides legislation
Information on biocidal active substances
Technical Agreements for Biocides (TAB)
On-going guidance consultations
ECHA IT-tools for approval and authorisation procedures
Publicly available documents from meetings of the competent authorities (CA meetings)
How to get to the documents: Main menu – click on "Browse categories"; select the category "European Commission - SANTE"; click on "Public Access - Biocides - Regulation 528/2012 - Public". In the menu on the left click on "Library", then in the middle all publicly accessible documents appear arranged in an Explorer structure. Especially important is the file: "Documents finalised at CA meetings".)
Publicly available documents from the coordination group (CG meetings)
How to get to the documents: Main menu – click on "Browse categories"; select the category "European Chemicals Agency"; click on "Public access - Biocides Coordination Group (CG) – Public. In the menu on the left click on "Library", then in the middle all publicly accessible documents appear arranged in an Explorer structure.
Directorate-Gerneral for Health and Food Safety
The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) keeps a watch on the implementation of relevant legislations.
Austrian Economic Chambers - WKÖ
The Austrian Economic Chambers provide information on biocides and pest control on their homepage.
European Biocides Information Network - EBIN
There is a European Biocide Information Network which provides a range of assistance, in particular on national specifics in biocide law, biocide law consultants, testing institutes, translators, etc.